Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Weight Is Over!

Right now, millions of Americans are struggling to lose weight. Again. You may be one of them. You’ve probably tried all kinds of diets, from low-carb to weighing and measuring to a meager existence on the dreaded cabbage soup. You may have even lost weight on these diets — only to regain it and then some. It’s a frustrating exercise of losing, gaining — and giving up. Sticking to a rigid diet while trying to live a normal life is just too hard.

Relìv is tackling this weighty issue with the introduction of Slimplicity®, a revolutionary weight loss system that combines cutting-edge ingredients with smart lifestyle modifications. It’s a simple, healthy plan to safely lose weight and keep it off for good.

Take heart, dedicated dieters, the weight is over!

Craving a Simpler Way to Lose Weight

Slimplicity Weight Loss System includes everything you need to feel and look like you’ve always wanted. The foundation of the plan is a delicious and satisfying meal replacement shake, plus a cutting-edge combination of weight-blasting ingredients called Slimplicity Accelerator capsules, delivered in a convenient capsule form. Metabolism boosters, fat burners, fat blockers and appetite suppressants work in perfect, round-the-clock harmony to help you get slimmer, healthier, and more energized. Slimplicity puts an end to the art of “sucking it in.”

“Science continues to advance so we can create even better products,” explains Slimplicity creator and Relìv Vice Chairman and Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Carl W. Hastings. “That’s why we’ve been able to develop Slimplicity as a powerful partner in weight management. Slimplicity delivers the most advanced, clinically supported weight loss ingredients in a simple, two-product system. It’s a healthier way to lose weight and keep it off. And when combined with our recommendations for an active lifestyle and smarter eating habits, Slimplicity gives you an incredible advantage. This is the last weight loss program you’ll ever need.”

Follow Simple Steps to Success

Slimplicity breaks down weight loss into three simple steps:

1. Replace lunch with a delicious, satisfying Slimplicity shake packed with essential nutrition and waist-trimming ingredients.

2. Use Slimplicity Accelerator capsules to curb your appetite, boost metabolism and rev up your weight loss.

3. Adopt a smarter lifestyle by adding more steps to your day and eating healthy foods in moderation.

Make it a Power Lunch

Why a shake for lunch? Dr. Carl explains that lunch can be the most dangerous meal because we’re usually pressed for time. Hunger is high along with the temptation to grab a fast-food meal. But a Slimplicity shake is an easier choice.

“The shakes are fast and convenient,” he says. “And because they have 10 grams of whole bean soy, they keep you feeling satisfied. In addition, a Slimplicity shake contains the right balance of vitamins and minerals to keep your body running in optimal condition, so it’s easier to lose weight in a healthier way.”

To whittle your middle even faster, Dr. Carl recommends using Slimplicity Accelerator capsules with the shakes. “In capsule form, these specific weight-loss ingredients are delivered in the most efficient way for the body to use. The vegan capsules contain the latest proven ingredients to curb your appetite, boost your metabolism, and burn and block fat. Accelerator capsules are an ideal way to help maintain your weight, too.”

Break for a Shake

Some of the powerful, pound-reducing ingredients in a Slimplicity shake include:

• A full 10 grams of protein from whole bean soy — keeps you feeling full so you’re not hungry an hour after lunch. And it helps build more lean muscle, so you burn more fat — whether you’re walking the neighborhood or walking to the couch.

• Advantra Z® — burns fat, builds lean muscle, and increases your metabolism without affecting blood pressure or heart rate. So you’re ramping up fat loss jitter-free.

• Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) — trims the fat, decreases your appetite and builds muscle. And it helps you maintain weight loss once you reach your goal.

• L-Carnitine — burns fat and builds lean muscle to help reshape your body.

• Plus: Inulin (FOS), chromium, Citrimax (garcinia cambogia), zinc, and essential vitamins and minerals.

Supercharge Your Weight Loss Efforts

To keep your appetite in check and fire up your metabolism for faster weight loss, Dr. Carl advises taking two Accelerator capsules one hour before each meal. These little dynamos include:

• Hoodia gordonii — squelches appetite safely so you eat less, feel energetic and shed pounds.

• DHEA metabolite — kick starts your metabolism so you burn more fat — and store less of it.

• NeOpuntia® — a fiber-filled fat blocker that binds fat before it takes hold of your belly, hips and thighs.

• Plus: Cha De Bugre, Garcinia Cambogia, ForsLean®, Evodiamine and Green Tea extract.

Kick It Off With a Kit

To make weight loss even easier, a complete Slimplicity Weight Loss System Starter Kit gives you a simple plan for success. Each Slimplicity Starter Kit includes a four-week supply of meal replacement shakes and Accelerator capsules plus:

• A simple 10,000 Steps walking plan to ratchet up your activity

• A pedometer to track your daily steps

• Healthy, flavorful meal plan and food choices

• A daily “No-Cheat Sheet” journal to chart your progress

• A convenient shaker cup for preparing your shakes

• A motivational magnet for your fridge to help you resist
• temptation and stay pumped up

Slimplicity Gets a Healthier Life Rolling

Dr. Carl is excited about the snowball effect of using Slimplicity. “As you use Slimplicity and lose weight, you’ll have more energy, which in turn leads you to be more active. And exercise helps you build muscle, burn more calories and continue to lose weight or maintain it. The bottom line is, you’re going to enjoy a much healthier lifestyle.”

So dump out that cabbage soup. Bring back the fruit. Laugh in the face of temptation. Slimplicity is the better way to lose weight and live a zestier life. With Slimplicity, the weight is over.

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