Thursday, December 30, 2010

The moment is fast approaching as we watch the clock ticking witnessing the last hours of 2010. Incredible another year has gone by as it was not long ago we bid the previous one goodbye ! Now once again we prepare for that moment of farewell 2010.
Looking back we should stop and give thanks for having survived a challenging year, for some of us the year passed with little changed, kept our jobs, paid our bills, and with a sigh of relief we come to the end of December 2010. Perhaps we saw a love one become engaged or get married, a son or daughter, a niece or a nephew, or just a good friend graduate from school, perhaps the year brought us the loss of a love one -as I did- making that one experience a year always to remember. Each day of each month is the moment to live it as best we can and as our expectations wear on through each day let's embrace the present moment and make it the gem in the treasure we'll go back to time after time for the now, for the moment and for the memories.
Let's look to the New Year fondly remembering the recent past, what will it be for you? Will you smile remembering meeting that special someone, will you feel a sense of pride remembering your mortgage got paid off, or your child achieving the honor roll, will it be apprehension as you are still out of a job, or face possible lay off, or perhaps you realize the year went well after all. What was it like for me? the year went well after all, well; considering what happened to those in Haiti with the earthquake, the long rainy season in so much of the world that left many homeless and in pain, yes the year went well after all considering I do have a job, my sons and I are in good health, our home is still standing, and generally speaking our Caribbean weather has been relatively okay. Yes the year went well after all.
Let's share our hope that in the New Year we'll be wiser, better and stronger to receive each day with optimism, with the right attitude, towards ourselves and towards others in all areas of our lives. I wish you all a New Year filled with hope, love and faith and a life lived to the fullest.

This I say specially in memory of my brother-in-law Fred Sprickman of Buffalo NY who lived a life to the fullest to that moment when he left earth but went on to live an even fuller life.

Cheers ! Happy New Year